National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics believes math lessons should be more than just “drill and kill!” They’ve put together an excellent compilation of lesson plans and activities. These are free and geared towards many different levels. Be sure to click on your grade level to maximize your search results.
RICE University/ Math Activities
Cynthia Lanius from Rice University has created this site featuring a broad collection of math lessons that are sure to be “fun, fun,fun!” The lessons are scattered about the page, but you can click on any of the links to get to the actual details. Many involve real life scenarios and ideas to really get students thinking. These lessons are suitable for upper elementary and middle school students. It is as a tool for learning elementary arithmetic operations, and it’s FUN!!!
Learn Zillion
Learn Zillion is a great place to visit if you’re looking to boost classroom discussions with videos and lessons that explain math topics in an easy-to-understand and engaging way. The site offers fun and educational content appropriate for all levels of students. You can use the videos to start a lesson and introduce new ideas, or you can use them to help students draw conclusions and bring it all together.
Shodor: A National Resource For Computational Science Education
Shodor is a great resource for students to see math in action.This interactive website has already designed a plethora of fantastic math activities to help students see math at work. The geometry and probability sections are especially helpful!
SuperKids Math
Have you ever wondered where to find math drill worksheets? Make your own here at SuperKids for free! Simply select the type of problem, the maximum and minimum numbers to be used in the problems, then click on the button! A worksheet will be created to your specifications, ready to be printed for use. |
It features over 2,000 free math printables that range in skill from grades K-12. Many teachers are looking for common core aligned math work. Please use all of our printables to make your day easier.
A Plus Click
The SMILE program was designed to enhance the elementary and high school learning of Science and Mathematics through the use of the phenomenological approach.
K-12 STEM.
Algebra Nation is a dynamic free resource now available to math and algebra students and teachers in Florida! Aligned to the Florida Mathematics Standards by the University of Florida, Algebra Nation is customized to help students succeed in Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 and beyond.
Yummy Math
All math teachers have heard the common complaint: “but how will I ever use this in the real world?” Yummy Math is one of a few sites on our list that addresses that question in a way meant to keep students interested.
The site mixes videos, images, and real-world challenges that get students thinking about where math fits into their day-to-day lives. The site divides posts by age group, genre, and the type of math on display.
So, for example, in the category “Operations and Fractions” for ages 3rd-6th grades, you get a challenge asking students how many pumpkin pies need to be made to feed 23 guests at a Thanksgiving lunch, complete with activity sheets you can bring into the classroom.
For high school students, in the category of “Algebra,” you get an activity that uses Fantasy Footballas a catalyst to do calculations based on how points are awarded in the game. provides a mix of free and paid material to teach kids about math. Included in the free resources are a Fact Navigator that helps students learn their multiplication tables, quizzes, and a large number of games.
The games tend to play on trends or imagery that are popular with younger kids, like Math Models, Pirates II, and Monster Multiplication.
Johnnie’s Math Page
Johnnie’s Math Page collects a number of interactive math activities into a few of the main categories students encounter in school.
Homeschool Math is a comprehensive math resource site for homeschooling parents, parents, and teachers that includes free math worksheets, lessons, online math games lists, ebooks, a curriculum guide, reviews, and more. The resources emphasize understanding of concepts instead of mechanical memorization of rules.
Family Math Night
Web resources for helping parents and teachers teach mathematics. Also, it offers organizations, research articles, publications and handouts focused on building strong family-school partnerships.
Math Planet
Math planet is an online resource where one can study math for free. Take our high school math courses in Pre-Algebra, Algebra and Geometry. We have also prepared practice tests for the SAT and ACT. The educational material is focused on US high school math. However, since math is the same all over the world, we welcome everybody to study math with us, for free.
AAA Math
AAA Math has numerous interactive arithmetic lessons. Topics covered include addition, counting, comparing, decimals, equations, estimations, graphs, fraction, multiplication, and more. You can also sort topics by grade level, starting in kindergarten and ending with eighth grade.
Math Reference Tables
It covers general math, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and above. Its general section includes number notation, addition, multiplication, fractions, and units and measurement. This site can also be translated into Spanish!
KidZone Math
It offers helpful math resources in fun, kid-appropriate formats. A range of free, printable worksheets is available, organized by grade level, activity type, and
It is a fun resource for kids, kindergarten through eighth grade. At funbrain, you can challenge your math knowledge playing enjoyable games like math baseball or by visiting the math arcade.
Online Math Learning
It allows for kids to test different math skills in ways that will make them feel like they’re playing video games rather than being forced to learn. This resource is conveniently organized by subject, and has games for preschool kids all the way up to high school kids.
Fun math practice for grades 1-8. Content adapts to each player. Every major math topic – more than 1500 skills are embedded into the game. Prodigy Math is a web-based (not app-based) math program aligned to the Common Core State Standards for Grades 1-8.
Prodigy offers 1,500+ math skills ranging from first- to third-level DOK. On the lower end, students practice fluency and knowledge of basic concepts and routine procedures. On the higher end, they interpret and understand what the question is asking. Educators and parents use Prodigy to help elicit a deeper understanding of the underlying math principles to ensure students don’t just grasp new knowledge — but learn to apply it, too.

Everfi K-12
Everfi offers teachers and students virtual courses on life skills topics such as financial capabilities, diversity and inclusion, career leadership and success, STEM, and health and wellness. Courses incorporate 3D games, models, simulations, social media, activities, exercises and animations to deliver these curriculums to students. Everfi is free for teachers.
Teachers use Everfi by going to the website and filling out a teacher profile. They then receive a class code and corresponding link from Everfi, which they send to students. Students click on the sent link and fill out the prompts to complete a student profile.
Teachers browse Everfi courses by topic, grade level, or standard. Once selected, teachers add the course to their class portal, and then assign it to students. From their student profile, students complete the courses by watching and participating in simulations and animated activities. Student achievement and progress through the courses is recorded and sent back to teachers for assessment.
Zearn Math is a complete math program that provides Common Core aligned math lessons, personalized to individual learners, and based on Eureka Math / Engage New York. Lessons focus on three critical components: deep understanding, fluency, and problem-solving.
What comes next? K-4
Students can develop their pattern skills by playing this game correlated to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics standard: Recognize, describe and extend patterns, such as sequences of sounds and shapes or simple numeric patterns, and translate from one representation to another.
Splash Learn K-5
SplashLearn offers colorful, interactive games that are bound to engage younger students. … Questions available to students can be opened for exploration or assigned directly by the teacher. While most of the questions are text-based, some have audio support.
enefits of learning through math games over traditional learning methods: There are innumerable benefits of learning through math games. Children enjoy playing games and if education becomes a part of those interactive games, all kids would love to be a part of it. One big advantage of learning through math games is that children need not be pressurized to study as they themselves would freely choose to participate in these math games. These math games provide opportunities for building self-concepts about different topics in maths such as number sequences, fractions, decimals, operations, basic algebra, etc, and lead them towards developing a positive problem-solving attitude, thereby making them math solvers.
ABCya! is a free educational games website that’s organized by grade level and subject area. … A passcode can be set so only kids in the same class or friends with the passcode can access the same game.
ABCya is a website that provides educational games and activities for school-aged children. The games on the website are organized into grade levels from pre-kindergarten to Sixth grade, as well as into subject categories such as letters, numbers, and holidays. Many of the games meet standards associated with the Common Core State Standards Initiative. is a free toolkit for teachers, bringing together the best resources in math, science and music. Designed for students, kindergarten through college.
Math Science Music is a cross-curricular resource for K-12+ students. Students explore music and its relationship to math and science with activities listed under 11 headings. The site’s navigation is unusual and may take some getting used to.
Quizizz is a free tool. It works on any device: web browser, iOS, Android and Chrome apps. You can access hundreds of ready-made learning quizzes or create your own. Join as a teacher, pick a quiz, and use the code for a virtual room to give to your students.
Free gamified quizzes for every subject to play in class and at home. Pick an existing quiz or create your own for review, formative assessment, and more.
Desmos is an advanced graphing calculator implemented as a web application and a mobile application written in JavaScript. It was founded by Eli Luberoff, a math and physics double major from Yale University, and was launched as a startup at TechCrunch’s Disrupt New York conference in 2011.
Users can create accounts and save the graphs and plots that they have created to them. A permalink can then be generated which allow users to share their graphs and elect to be considered for staff picks. The tool comes pre-programmed with 36 different example graphs for the purpose of teaching new users about the tool and the mathematics involved
PBS Math
PBS Math Club helps you with your homework… and makes you laugh. They cover the 6th-9th grade Common Core Standard for math; topics like adding and subtracting integers, equations, ratios and proportions, and statistics. … Math Club is produced for PBS Digital Studios and created by Radiant Features.
Bring math concepts to life through interactive games, animations and engaging media resources.Overview. PBS LearningMedia™ is your destination for direct access to thousands of classroom-ready, curriculum-targeted digital resources. … Resources are aligned to Common Core and national and state standards and include videos and interactives, as well as audio, documents, and in-depth lesson plans.
PBS Math K-8
K-8 Mathematics ranges from counting cardinal numbers to linear equations and functions. Students can review the calculation of area using a Cyberchase video, continue on to find the area of combined shapes using a Math Active interactive lesson, and can be assessed on their understanding using Khan Academy. Similar units can be created on topics such as lines and angles, probability models, and the multiplication and division of fractions.
PBS Math K-8
K-8 Mathematics ranges from counting cardinal numbers to linear equations and functions. Students can review the calculation of area using a Cyberchase video, continue on to find the area of combined shapes using a Math Active interactive lesson, and can be assessed on their understanding using Khan Academy. Similar units can be created on topics such as lines and angles, probability models, and the multiplication and division of fractions.
Bedtime Math
It’s a great way for families with kids ages 3-9 to explore numbers in real life together. Their mission: to make math a fun part of kids’ everyday lives. In, Bedtime Math: This Time It’s Personal, families will find fun, mischief-making math problems that kids can’t wait to figure out.
The mental math problems are designed “to promote both giggles and mathematical thought” as a means to “increase ‘math awareness’ in our everyday lives.