
                    is a free toolkit for teachers, bringing together the best resources in math, science and music.

Designed for students, kindergarten through college. Math Science Music is a cross-curricular resource for K-12+ students. Students explore music and its relationship to math and science with activities listed under 11 headings. The site’s navigation is unusual and may take some getting used to.

                                                  Pixabay is an international, copyleft and free-to-use website for sharing photos, illustrations, vector graphics, film footage and music. As of November 2017, Pixabay offers over 1,188,454 free photos, illustrations, and vectors and videos.

All images and videos on Pixabay are released under the Creative Commons CC0 . Thus, they may be used freely for almost any purpose – even commercially and in printed format. 

                                                  Flashkit, the best resource for Flash tutorials, sound loops, movies, sound FX, fonts, forum discussions and more for the Flash developer. It has an ever growing list of shareware and freeware Sound FX for download., site started in 1999 as a one-stop-shopping resource site. Flash Kit was started in October of 1999 by Mark Fennell and friends.

                  SeaWorld/Bush Gardens Animal Sounds

Welcome to the SeaWorld/Busch Gardens Animal Sounds Library! Click the play button next to the animal images to hear their animal sound. You will find a a variety of animals, and read more about each of these.

A fun part for the kids is to hear the sounds of different animals through the Animal Sounds Library where visitors can listen to the interesting sounds made by several animals.

                                          Partners in Rhyme

Partners In Rhyme has been delivering royalty free music online since 1996. The license you receive from us for your one time fee is truly royalty free. Partners In Rhyme has been delivering royalty free music online since 1996. The license a student receives from us for your one time fee is truly royalty free.

Royalty free music gives users the right to use copyrighted music without having to pay “royalties” for recurring use of the content. In other words, royalty free music allows the buyer to pay the music license only once and use the music for as long as he or she wants

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