Robotics K-12

                  The Robotics Alliance Project


NASA’s Robotics Alliance is designed to link interested robotics enthusiasts and educators with NASA robotics information, materials, and occasional opportunities via email updates.

                                Let’s Make Robots

You’ll find here a vibrant community of knowledgeable and friendly robotics enthusiasts. Our goal is to offer a place which will foster insightful, respectful, helpful, and most of all fun conversations.

         The National Robotics Education Foundation

(NREF), founded in 2009, is a 501c3 dedicated to robotics-based education efforts.  NREF is an informational clearinghouse that identifies the most accessible and affordable curricula, products and learning resources.  It has also adopted a goal to provide original and sponsored research that fosters the adoption of robotics within educational curriculum in grades 1-12 to encourage careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

Robotslife is your Internet Directory


Robot Gallery started out life as Roger Arrick’s Robomenu, originally created by around 1995 to provide a place on the web for robot builders to display their creations.


San Francisco Robotics Society

The San Francisco Robotics Society of America is dedicated to the exchange of information about robotics in order to stimulate education in the sciences, create new businesses, and to promote the enjoyment of robotics as a hobby.

                       National Geographic: Robots

ChallengeRobots! is an online game that exposes students to exciting careers in engineering, focused specifically on the area of robotics. It challenges students to take on the role of an engineer at RoboWorks, a robotics factory.

Each challenge focuses on designing a robot to solve a real-world problem. These challenges are all based on real robots that are used today.

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